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November 2018 Voting Guide

From our affiliate the Urban League of Portland:

The ballot items for Portland, Oregon's November 2018 ballot have the power to significantly impact quality of life for black Oregonians and others. after carefully considering each, the urban league offers the following recommendations to voters.

YES on measure 102 and Metro Housing Bond

The bond will create much needed affordable housing units. To fund the development of approximately 3,900 homes—or 1,600 if Measure 102 does not pass—each metro-area household will pay $5 monthly, or $60 annually. New housing will be affordable to middle and low-income households.

Measure 102 will allow local government to work with nonprofit organizations to build more affordable housing with bond revenue. Currently, the Oregon Constitution requires jurisdictions to retain public ownership of all infrastructure built with municipal bond revenue. Measure 102 allows governments to transfer ownership to nonprofit housing developers and operators, who can leverage other funding sources to build more units than if the constitution remains as is. Vote Yes on Measure 102 and the Housing Bond to create safe, affordable housing for more metro residents.

no on Measure 103 (Grocery Tax)

Measure 103 is a deceptive attempt by large grocery corporations to dodge any future taxes Oregonians might enact. Oregon businesses and customers pay no sales tax, but Measure 103 will enact a permanent and retroactive tax break for grocery corporations. Necessities like medicine and diapers would be taxable under the measure. With Measure 103, corporations could lock in their tax liability at September 2017 rates, would leave Oregonians on the hook for the deficit, and would restrict public revenue in an already revenue-starved state. Vote No on Measure 103 to make corporations accountable to the decisions of Oregon voters.

no on Measure 104 (three-fifths supermajority)

Measure 104 requires three-fifths of state lawmakers to approve certain bills that currently only require simple majority approval. Currently three-fifths of state lawmakers must approve bills that raise revenue; this measure would expand this requirement to any bill that raises state revenue through a change to tax exemptions, credits, or deductions. If passed, Measure 104 would give the minority political party more power in revenue votes. Measure 104 would make it more difficult to adequately fund public education and social programs and services. Vote No on Measure 104 to reign in tax breaks and keep special interests out of revenue decisions in Salem.

no on measure 105 (Anti-sanctuary cities)

Measure 105 reverses a three-decade old Oregon law that prevents local law enforcement from working with federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents to apprehend possible immigrants. The measure would divert local dollars from Oregon communities to fund federal efforts, embolden racial profiling by law enforcement, and harm people perceived to be from other countries. Vote No on Measure 105 to keep people of color safe and use local dollars for the benefit of our communities.

no on Measure 106 (NO CUTS TO CARE)

Measure 106 would amend the state constitution to prevent the use of public funds on reproductive health services like safe and accessible abortions. If passed, this measure would disproportionately impact the working Oregonians who receive health services through state funded health care plans. It creates a moralistic and financial impediment to pregnant individuals’ private health care decisions. Vote No on Measure 106 to keep health care safe and accessible.

yes on Measure 26-201 (portland clean energy initiative)

The Portland Clean Energy Initiative will raise approximately $30 million annually via a 1% business surcharge on large corporations. The revenue will help the communities most impacted by climate change to adapt to environmental changes and access Portland’s emerging green economy. Funded programs and projects might include apprenticeship training for green jobs, weatherization of affordable housing, and green building construction, and more. Vote Yes on Measure 26-201 to fund a thriving green future that includes every Portlander.

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